United States and Canada
On Sunday, March 13th 2011 most of the United States and Canada will move forward one hour, 02:00 to 03:00 (2 AM to 3 AM).
On Sunday, November 6th 2011 most of the United States and Canada will revert back one hour, 02:00 to 01:00 (2 AM to 1 AM).
Why does the United States and Canada change so early?
Energy Policy Act of 2005 was signed into law by President George W. Bush on Monday, August 8th 2005.
(a) AMENDMENT.—Section 3(a) of the Uniform Time Act of 1966
(15 U.S.C. 260a(a)) is amended—
(1) by striking “first Sunday of April” and inserting “second
Sunday of March”; and
(2) by striking “last Sunday of October” and inserting “first
Sunday of November”.
(b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—Subsection (a) shall take effect 1 year
after the date of enactment of this Act or March 1, 2007, whichever
is later.
(c) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—Not later than 9 months after the
effective date stated in subsection (b), the Secretary shall report
to Congress on the impact of this section on energy consumption
in the United States.
(d) RIGHT TO REVERT.—Congress retains the right to revert
the Daylight Saving Time back to the 2005 time schedules once
the Department study is complete.
How does this effect me?
If you live outside of the United States or Canada all the restart times/castle sieges/events will be 1 hour early.
On Sunday, March 27th 2011 most of the nations in the European Union will move forward one hour. Daylight Saving Time starts on the last Sunday of March and ends on the last Sunday October for most nations which observe the daylight saving time.
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) areas which will now observe British Summer Time (BST)
England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland will move forward one hour, 01:00 to 02:00 (1 AM to 2 AM).
Western European Time (WET) areas which will now observe Western European Summer Time (WEST)
Portugal, Faroe Islands and the Canary Islands will move forward one hour, 01:00 to 02:00 (1 AM to 2 AM).
Central Europe Time (CET) areas which will now observe Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark (mainland), France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (mainland), Sweden and Switzerland will move forward one hour, 02:00 to 03:00 (2 AM to 3 AM).
Eastern European Time (EET) areas which will now observe Eastern European Summer Time (EEST)
Belarus, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Kaliningrad(Russia), Turkey and Ukraine will move forward one hour, 03:00 to 04:00 (3 AM to 4 AM).
On Sunday, October 30th 2011 most of the nations in the European Union will revert back one hour. Daylight Saving Time ends on the last Sunday of March and starts on the last Sunday October for most nations which observe the daylight saving time.
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) areas which will now observe British Summer Time (BST)
England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland will revert back one hour, 02:00 to 01:00 (2 AM to 1 AM).
Western European Time (WET) areas which will now observe Western European Summer Time (WEST)
Portugal, Faroe Islands and the Canary Islands will revert back one hour, 02:00 to 01:00 (2 AM to 1 AM).
Central Europe Time (CET) areas which will now observe Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark (mainland), France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (mainland), Sweden and Switzerland will revert back one hour, 03:00 to 02:00 (3 AM to 2 AM).
Eastern European Time (EET) areas which will now observe Eastern European Summer Time (EEST)
Belarus, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Kaliningrad(Russia), Turkey and Ukraine will revert back one hour, 04:00 to 03:00 (4 AM to 3 AM).
Note: This list may be incomplete, and should only be used a quick reference. For more infornation just use bing, google or another search engine of your choice and find the details for your area.